This week has gone by insanely fast! I feel like I could write a novel on each day, each moment...but unfortunately, days pass by very quickly, and easy access to the internet is never here’s some condensed highlights of the last 5ish days...
- One of my proudest moments so far was getting mistaken for a Brazilian at the local Saturday Market. :-) One of the vendors asked me a question in Spanish, and after I stared back her with a blank look (as I often do around here..haha), she turned to her friend, and asked: “Como se dice esto en Portuges?” (How do you say this in Portuguese?) Haha, next time I don’t understand something, I’ll just go ahead and ask someone to translate it to Portugese..that will make it sooo much easier.
- A few days ago, we went to a local sports bar type restaurant to watch the much anticipated futbol game between Argentina and the current first place holder, Brazil. It was an awesome picture of South American culture at its finest..most Argentines have no problem explaining to you that futbol (like mate) is not just a hobby, or a pastime, it is a way of life. These people live and breathe futbol. It was also a good night to be a second language speaker, because really the only words we needed to know were “ooooo”, “ahhhh”, “dios mio”, and “gooooooooooaaaaaaal!” :-)
-The past few days have offered us many interesting things in terms of weather. Earlier in the week, we had two huge thunderstorms..I was literally quite afraid that our building was going to collapse as I laid in bed listening to the LOUDEST thunder, and the most powerful wind I have ever heard in my life. The only thing that maaaaybe compares, is that crazy storm we experienced in Oklahoma about ten years ago..(mom, you know what I’m talkin about! ha) Today, I finally had to cave, and buy another jacket. Even though they keep telling us that we only have about two more weeks of cold weather...I simply cannot handle the freezing temps that Rosario keeps insisting on giving us...the stone buildings of the university plus the lack of a heater...ay ay ay.
So much more to say, so little time...!!!
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